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Private Investigator Covid 19

Private Investigator Covid 19

Private Investigator advice during and after the Covid-19 crisis.

Managing workplaces during and after the Covid-19 crisis is a potential minefield for many companies. Staff may be unclear about what to do if they feel at risk.  With more staff working remotely, this brings additional challenges.

Return to work

There are many aspects of employees returning to work in what may be an alien environment that will lead to employee grievances, some of them spurious and a false or exaggerated claim to gain a financial advantage

We will help you gain evidence in defence of a spurious Employment Tribunal claim or investigate sickness absence that may be a sham.

Many businesses are already looking at the legal implications of managing workplaces during and after lockdown finishes.

Concerns exist that staff are not clear about what to do if they feel at risk and may react by commencing a grievance procedure.

Claims for sexual harassment are likely to increase, as are instances where an employee claims to have to self isolate either for themselves or because someone in their household has contracted coronavirus, when the claim is simply not true and the issue is one of false absenteeism.

Our investigative skills will help you to sort the genuine from the false, protecting the welfare of your business.  Contact us now for fast, discreet, helpful advice;  covid@local-detective.co.uk.

False sickness and absenteeism

Absenteeism at work in the UK is at an all time high; we help you to weed out the culprits tackling issues from office fraud to computer forensics, surveillance, employment issues, moonlighting, fingerprinting, and drug use at work.

Many people are genuinely absent through sickness, others are not. We will provide you with evidence of falsified absence that is valid enough to be presented at an Employment Tribunal.

Of course, most absenteeism is genuine, however unwarranted long weekends and staff pulling "sickies" threaten companies ability to cover the cost of absence.

There may be hidden reasons for illegal absence - a disproportionate social life, drug taking, alcohol misuse or because the miscreant is moonlighting.

Any assignment undertaken is handled discreetly; this may involve discreet surveillance, background research or a combination of different skills, for example computer interrogation and analysis. Evidence may be collated in a manner that is presentable in Court or Employment Tribunal, or to refute an apparent "Fit Note".

Employment tribunal

An Employment Tribunal is not good news for any employer. Even if your defence is successful, it is a costly exercise in both time and money, and does little to enhance morale or your reputation with your staff. At worst, an employee bringing a tribunal against you may encourage others to do the same.

Our real art is in making the threat of a Tribunal go away. If the claim is in any way spurious, it is likely that we can gain the evidence that will highlight that. When the other party becomes aware that the evidence against them will be presented, it is most often the case that the matter is withdrawn.

According to a recent survey, employees are more informed than ever as to their employment rights. 89% of employees say they would consider making a claim to a tribunal

We have assisted many companies in defence of claims made against them, rooting out and providing evidence of fraudulent statements and misrepresentation. In the unfortunate event that you find your business defending such an action, please come and talk to us - in the least we can promise to provide ideas of how best to approach the problem and work out a strategy.

For practical, common-sense assistance and consultation on this difficult issue contact us in the first instance either by email; support@local-detective.co.uk or call 24/7; 0800 233 5711.

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