Below you’ll find our typical rates per investigator. You might already know what you need but please do call 0800 233 5711, because based on our experience we’re often able to offer a more cost effective solution than you may realise.
The cost of every investigation is different and will depend upon a number of factors including:
The number of investigators required
When the investigation takes place (daytime, evening or through the night)
The need for any special equipment
To help you decide if a private investigation is an option you want to pursue we have put together some costing for three common scenarios. For a more detailed discussion of you own situation and the likely cost of solving your problem or putting your mind at ease please call.
A client called us because she believed her husband to be having an affair and that the extra marital activity was taking place while our client worked night shift. We discussed various options with our client and decided it best to surveil her property (the marital home) over a period of three nights, the following Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evening when our client would be at work.
The surveillance included a two man team and was arranged for 8pm – midnight on each evening. If the client’s husband left their home our investigators were instructed to follow the husband and to continue surveillance through the night until the husband returned home. On the first evening the husband stayed at home. On the second evening the husband was surveilled leaving the marital property and followed to an address 30mins away where he entered a domestic residence and where the door to the residence was opened by a female. At 2.25am the husband left the residence. He was accompanied to the door by a female in nightwear. We reported our findings including video evidence to our client and the third night of surveillance was cancelled because although deeply distressed our client was now sure of her husband’s indiscretions.
In this instance the charge for the private investigation was £749 with no mileage.