One of the most asked questions received by the team at Watkins Ward investigations, is ''how much with a local private detective cost?'', everyone wants to know how much a typical investigation will cost. Of course, there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ investigation, much as there is no ’typical’ holiday people take each year.
Every investigation is unique and whilst many of the techniques and process we would undertake are similar, every case is different.
Private Investigator fees can vary dramatically so it is worth shopping around to find a company that you trust, not necessarily the cheapest quote you get. Remember that you are paying for time and experience and often an experienced investigator will charge more per hour but get the job done in less time. As you will see below, surveillance fees are typically from £28-£49 per hour.
Tracing people will typically cost around £150 to £200, and background checks from £200 to £1200.
Speak to a professional Watkins Ward case manager, call: 0800 233 5711