This is a difficult and worrying time for everyone – but particularly so for adults and children living with domestic abuse and violence, and the professionals working hard to support them. On this page we will be sharing resources to help support you through this time, and will be adding more as things progress.
If you or someone else is in immediate danger please call 999 and ask for the police. Silent calls will work if you are not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system and call 999 and then press 55.
For people experiencing domestic abuse
It's important to know that you are not alone. Even if you are unable to leave your home at the moment, you can still access support through one of the helpline
Support is available from Women's Aid's online chat service, open from 10am-12pm Monday-Friday
Chayn provides online tools, information, courses and support for people experiencing abuse, all free to access. Their Soul Medicine courses provide bite-sized support, delivered in disguised emails at a time that you choose. They are also launching a secure Telegram channel to provide particular support during this time.
Domestic abuse impacts the whole family, particularly when schools are closed and children are at home.
guidance on COVID-19 and child contact arrangements
The Scottish Courts have guidance on child contact orders and you can read the Scottish Government's guidance on childcare provision for key workers.